Content Is the New Currency

November 4, 2009by Sean Mullen

Content is the new currency

Not long ago it was enough to simply have a presence on the Web. You got credit just for being there. You plastered your URL anywhere and everywhere you could.  People came looking to learn, experience or purchase your brand. If you built it, they came. Your site was a destination.

Oh, for the good old days.

It’s no longer about your site being a destination for consumers. It’s the about content–and that content must be desirable. It’s time to pay less attention to awareness (traffic) and more attention to engagement. Yes, you need a site, but, it’s the content that’s gold.

Chris Anderson ponders the value of content in this NY Times review of his latest book Free: The Future of a Radical Price. Is your content interesting enough to co-opt? To spread? To share otherwise? If you create the content, the consumer will create the “where.”

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