Danger, Will Robinson!
“Can you grab a water for me?”
“We’re going to start looking for an SUV.”
“I really need a new smartphone.”
Anything in particular stand out to you in those quotes? How about the fact that forms are taking precedence over brands? Marketers, consider it a warning sign of iffy brand health if your target thinks in terms of form first, brand second.
Litmus Test:
How would your brand rank if you augmented your awareness measures with brand versus form measures?
- Example: When thinking about your next purchase of popcorn, please rank your top three considerations/desires in order of importance.
- Microwavable
- Kernels that are popped in oil
- Extra butter
- Orville Redenbacher
- No or Low salt
- Act II
- Flavored, such as caramel, cheddar or nacho
- Low fat
- Branded, not store brand or generic
I know how I’d answer this question:
1. Microwavable 2. Extra butter 3. Branded
Orville and Act II, you don’t make the list. They should worry.
Should you?